Dr Emma Kavanagh awarded French Embassy Visiting Fellowship

Dr Emma Kavanagh, former Lord Crewe Career Development Fellow at Lincoln College and now a postdoctoral researcher at the Faculty of Music, has been awarded a Séjour Scientifique de Haut Niveau Visiting Fellowship by the French Embassy in the United Kingdom.

Emma will spend two months working at the Institut de Recherche en Musicologie, a cross-institutional research group hosted jointly by Sorbonne Université (formerly Paris IV) and the Bibliothèque nationale de France. In Paris, Emma will be undertaking archival research for a new book project on women opera composers in nineteenth-century France, while building new networks with French colleagues in musicology. As a recipient of this award, Emma also joins the France Alumni network in the UK, a group dedicated to promoting Franco-British relations in research and beyond.

Emma is a scholar of opera and musical culture in France between the Revolution and the First World War, with particular interests in representation (particularly of race, class, and gender), staging and stagecraft, and music and the press. She completed her DPhil at Linacre College in January 2023, funded by the Oxford-Louis Curran Graduate Scholarship.