The Music Faculty is inviting applicants for the Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship to apply to host their grant, should it be awarded, at Oxford University. The Faculty will nominate up to two applicants from Music each year. Applications in any field of music/musicology are welcome.
Process and timeline for applications
- Please check the Leverhulme eligibility guidelines carefully and if you are eligible then submit an Expression of Interest to to request Oxford University Music Faculty support by 12 noon on Monday 11 December 2023.
- Those selected will work with our Research Facilitator to submit their application to the Leverhulme Trust with the completed application ready to submit to Oxford University’s Research Services by 8 February 2024 ahead of Leverhulme's deadline on 22 February
Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships are aimed at supporting those at a relatively early stage of their academic careers but with a proven record of research. All candidates must have submitted their doctoral thesis for viva voce examination not more than four years prior to the application closing date (22 Feb 2024) (unless they have extenuating circumstances, such as maternity or caring responsibilities, etc); or five years prior to the closing date if they can make a case for their work having been impacted by the pandemic.
Fellowships are tenable for three years on a full-time basis. Requests to hold the award part-time over a proportionately longer period may also be considered.
Applicants must not hold or have held a permanent academic position in a UK university or comparable institution and must have a doctorate or equivalent research experience. Those registered for a doctorate must have submitted their doctoral thesis for viva voce examination by the Leverhulme’s closing date of 22 February 2024.
A previous connection with the University is not required; applications are particularly welcome from those who obtained their doctorates from other institutions. The Fellowship requires the support of a member of the Faculty willing to act as mentor so please contact them in plenty of time.
Application process
Expressions of interest should be sent to by 12 noon on Monday 11 December 2023 consisting of one PDF document containing:
- a one-page CV including education, publications, any awards, thesis title and examiners
- a two-page draft statement of research (which may use headings similar to those in the Leverhulme scheme’s notes of guidance)
- a 150-word abstract summarising the research for a general audience
- an indication of any additional research expenses that may be needed for the proposed project, such as travel and subsistence.
- a named mentor from among the permanent members of the Faculty of Music, who must provide a statement of support sent directly to by the 11 December 2023 deadline.
A selection process internal to the Faculty of Music will then determine which proposals go forward to a full application to Leverhulme. Applicants will be informed of the Faculty’s decision whether to support their application by mid-January.