2024 marks the 200th anniversary of the death of Maria Theresia Paradis (1759-1824), famed for her music throughout her life despite – or some argue because – she was blind. It rings only too painfully familiar (some things never change, it seems) when archival sources reveal Paradis’s contemporaries accusing her of faking her blindness. Regardless of her physical abilities, Paradis’s contributions to the production of music in late-18th century Europe should be recognised and celebrated. As a performer, composer, educator, and organiser, her impact on the musical world of Vienna and other European cities was tremendous. This lecture, delivered by Judith Valerie Engel (DPhil student of the Music Faculty and Concert Pianist), will start off by discussing Paradis’s life and selected works, and will be exploring a few others of the numerous women who ruled the world of music, including examples of their compositional output. Recognising their contributions is not only vital to setting the record straight for music history, but also offers rich possibilities for throwing off the shackles of a limiting ‘Classical’ canon.