I am a scholar of (trans)nationalism and the environmental humanities, exploring music, sound, and other forms of culture in Slavonic and Anglo-American contexts. My methods are at once affective, political, and spatial, examining space-place relations in the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries. In my doctoral project, these interests converge upon the figure of Antonín Dvořák, whose output exemplifies shifting notions of space, identity, and belonging that emerged at this time. But I have a wider interest in developing new theoretical apparatuses, using resources derived from the humanities and social sciences more broadly. My doctoral research is supervised by Professor Daniel Grimley.
Thane Gustafson, Klimat: Russia in the Age of Climate Change, in Canadian Slavonic Papers (forthcoming)
Rano Turaeva and Rustamjon Urinboyev (ed.), Labour, Mobility and Informal Practices in Russia, Central Asia and Eastern Europe in Canadian Slavonic Papers (forthcoming)
Conferences Organised
Chair, 2022 Cambridge AHRC International Conference (‘Hybridity’) (September 2022)
Co-Organiser (with Jana Hunter), ‘Reimagining “The Heart of Europe”’, funded by TORCH, Oxford (September 2021)
Conference Presentations
‘Distance, Semiosis, Race: Transatlantic Affect in Coleridge-Taylor’s The Song of Hiawatha’, BFE/RMA Research Students’ Conference, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth (January 2022)
‘Dvořák’s Reception in England: Rosa Newmarch, the Late Operas, and the Legacies of Victorian Liberalism’, part of ‘Dvorak and Opera’, Národní muzeum/Antonín Dvořák muzeum (České muzeum hudby), Prague (November 2021)
‘Dvořák’s American Dream: Towards an Affective Model of Spatiotemporal Distance’, Cambridge AHRC International Conference, Cambridge (September 2021)
Opening and Closing Remarks, ‘Reimagining “The Heart of Europe”’ conference, Oxford (September 2021)
‘History, Environment, Temporality: Considering an Anglo-Saxon Urn’, Girton College, Cambridge (February 2020)
‘Locating Janáček: Cultural Contestation in Káťa Kabanová’, BFE/RMA Research Students’ Conference, Open University, Milton Keynes (January 2019)